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A consortium of Oxfam (Lead), Centre for Environmental Policy and Advocacy (CEPA) and Civil Society Network on Climate Change (CISONECC) is implementing the project ‘Promoting Equitable Access to Clean Energy (PEACE) with financial support from the European Union (EU). The project aims at ensuring that citizens and civil society organizations (CSOs) are better informed and empowered to advocate for their right to energy and for the adoption of efficient and fair energy distribution systems and regulations in Malawi. Ultimately, the project seeks to contribute to a more green and resilient economic transformation in Malawi through strengthening an enabling environment for equitable access to clean energy. The project will be implemented over a period of three and half years.
PEACE project is largely a national level policy engagement project, but it also has local level action in districts of Salima and Peri-urban areas of Lilongwe and Blantyre districts as points for generating evidence and piloting clean energy solutions. In each local level action area, there are four communities, thus a total of 12 communities that will be targeted. In each district, 250 households will be supported in piloting clean energy solutions, giving a total of 750 households for the project.
The project is collaborating with a wide range of stakeholders including Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), private sector institutions in the energy sector including International Financing Institutions (IFIs), government institutions and departments, District Councils, the media, and communities.
1.2. Objectives of the project
Overall Objective:
To contribute to a more green and resilient economic transformation in Malawi through strengthening an enabling environment for equitable access to clean energy.
Specific objective
Citizens and civil society organizations are better informed and empowered to advocate for their right to energy and the adoption of efficient and fair energy distribution systems and regulations in Malawi.
Key outputs
- Enhanced capacities of CSOs to influence the local, national, and regional policy and legal frameworks within the energy Sector.
- Strengthened capacities of CSOs to demand for more transparency and hold the government and energy operators accountable.
- Citizens and communities, especially the energy poor and most vulnerable groups (youth, women and people living with disabilities), are able to engage more actively in policy dialogue and decision-making processes related to access to clean energy.
2.0 Objectives of the research
Overall objective
To examine and identify available pro poor clean energy solutions in Malawi which should be promoted for wider adoption.
Specifically, the research aims to:
- Analyze and identify the available pro poor clean energy solutions in Malawi, including those for cooking and heating.
- Analyze other existing pro poor clean energy solutions in the SADC region.
- Analyze and identify the available pro poor clean energy solutions in Malawi, including those for cooking and heating.
- Examine policy bottlenecks affecting wider adoption of such solutions in Malawi and suggested solutions, including gender-oriented solutions.
- Based on findings, draw targeted recommendations on which pro-poor energy solutions to be promoted for wider adoption in Malawi, including how to benefit women, youth, people with disabilities and other marginalized groups
3.0 Scope of Work
The consultant is expected to undertake this work following participatory approaches which includes both qualitative and quantitative study. Below are some of the processes to be carried out by the consultant(s):
- Inception Phase: Review project documents including the proposal, energy sector policies, programmes and strategies plus any other relevant documents. The key output is the inception report which will include a detailed approach to assessment including the data collection tools. These will be discussed and approved before commencement of assessment.
- Data Collection: The consultant(s) should collect both primary and secondary quantitative and qualitative data relevant to assessment. This will involve interviewing relevant stakeholders in the energy sector and communities in the targeted districts.
- Data analysis/reporting: based on primary and secondary data collection using a mix of qualitative and quantitative methodologies, the consultant(s) will analyze the data and prepare a draft report to be presented to Oxfam, consortium partners and stakeholders. After presentation of the draft report, comments will be consolidated to inform finalization of the final assessment report for submission to Oxfam together with raw datasets.
- PowerPoint presentation of the main findings of the assessment
4.0 Responsibilities of the consultants
The consultants will be primarily responsible for:
- Developing/designing study including tools and methodology
- Sharing study design including process, methodology and tools with Oxfam and consortium partners Arranging meetings with high level policy stakeholders to collect data.
- Collecting feedback from Oxfam and consortium partners and finalize study design.
- Develop data collection tools, orient, train and supervise the study team where necessary.
- Analyzing data and preparing draft report.
- Getting feedback on the draft and submit a final report.
5.0 Responsibilities of Oxfam and Consortium partners
Within its policies and practices, Oxfam’s primary responsibility is to support the consultants to achieve the objectives of the assignment at hand. Specifically, Oxfam and the consortium partners, CEPA and CISONECC will be responsible for: –
- Providing all relevant documentation for the assignment Providing training on Oxfam safeguarding and ethics to the consultants and their team
- Supporting the consultants) in arranging meetings with concerned parties.
- Providing inputs to design and study tools
- Monitoring, providing feedback and ensuring effectiveness of the study.
- Providing inputs/feedback to draft and final reports
- Releasing the budget as per the agreed budget disbursement schedule
6.0 Deliverables
The following deliverables are expected under this TOR:
- Detailed research design and implementation plan agreed with Oxfam in Malawi
- Inception report
- Data collection tools
- Draft report
- Final report with targeted recommendations. These should be submitted in three hard copies and an electronic copy. The report should be no more than 40 pages inclusive of an executive summary which should be no more than 4 pages. Details of the other findings to be attached as annexes.
- Data set for quantitative data in Flash disk.
- Policy briefs for use by the project in engaging communities, government, academia, media, private sector, and development partners around equitable access to clean energy in Malawi (5 pages maximum)
7.0 Eligibility criteria
The consultant (s) should have sound experience in qualitative and quantitative research, clear understanding of research methodology and experience in using different social research tools and techniques.
- The team must include holders of at least a master’s degree in renewable energy, environmental science, energy engineering, or related fields.
- More than 10 years of practical experience in conducting similar studies.
- Quantitative and qualitative statistical analysis skills are essential.
- Demonstrable experience, skills and knowledge in advocacy and policy influencing within the energy, climate change and natural resources management sectors.
- Good knowledge and understanding of renewable energy programming.
8.0 Work schedule
Oxfam expects the consultant to complete the assignment by 2nd September 2024.
9.0 Supervision and management
Oxfam in Malawi will supervise the process and ensure that the consultant delivers on the assignment as per their submitted proposal. Specifically, the consultant (s) will report to the Knowledge Management Coordinator and Project Coordinator from Oxfam.
The consultant will be expected to work closely with and interact on a continuous basis with Oxfam in Malawi, CISONECC and CEPA while undertaking the assignment.
10.0 Submission of proposals
Interested consultant (s) should submit technical and financial proposal (not more than 10 pages), detailing how they will undertake the assignment including up-to-date CVs of the lead consultants). Proposals should be submitted to the address below either in electronic or hard copy form and must be clearly indicated ‘Research on renewable energy technologies in Malawi’ by 17:00 hours local time on 5th August 2024.
All correspondence for the consultancy should be addressed to:
Internal Procurement Committee
Oxfam in Malawi
Green Heritage House (Area 13 Market)
P/Bag B331 Lilongwe 3
Tel: +265 1 770 489/525
Email: procurement.malawi@oxfam.org.uk