Terms of Reference for an Evidence Learning Evaluation on Access to Clean Energy

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1.1 Introduction
Since 2021, Oxfam in Malawi in partnership with Civil Society Network on Climate Change (CISONECC) has been implementing a project on Stakeholders Engagement to Increase Access to Pro poor Clean Energy Solutions in Malawi. In its first year of implementation, this activity culminated into the establishment of the Multistakeholder Platform on access to clean energy comprising CSOs, energy sector private sector institutions, academia, women rights organizations, among others.
Now, Oxfam plans to engage a competent consultant to lead a participatory evaluation and generation of learning from the project for use in reflecting on Oxfam’s and CISONECC’s contributions to realizing the vision for pro-poor clean energy solutions and identify lessons as they pertain to this area of work, and plan for future priorities in Malawi.

1.2 Objectives of the Project
The objectives of the project were:

  1. To raise stakeholders’ awareness on Renewable Energy Policy Framework and Financing in Malawi and provide a platform to influence action for increased access to Renewable Energy in Malawi
  2. To provide a platform for stakeholders’ engagement in effective implementation of renewable energy access-oriented policies and strategies.

2.0 Objectives of the Evidence Learning evaluation assignment
The main objective of the evaluation is to reflect on Oxfam’s contributions to realizing its vision for pro-poor clean energy solutions, identify lessons as they pertain to this area of work, and plan for future priorities in Malawi.

Specifically, the evaluation should meet the following specific objectives:

  1. Evaluate Oxfam in Malawi’s contributions to accelerating pro-poor, clean energy solutions and realizing SDG 7 (ensure access to affordable, reliable, and sustainable energy for all) since 2021.
  2. Assess and document lessons learned from the three years of work.
  3. Identify and formulate near-term and long-term strategic priorities and opportunities for realizing access to energy for all as part of a just energy transition in Malawi.

3.0 Evaluation Questions
The following are the key research questions to be pursued:

i) Evaluate Oxfam and partners contribution to accelerating pro-poor, clean energy solutions and realizing SDG 7 (ensure access to affordable, reliable, and sustainable energy for all) including contribution to the MW2063 since 2021.

  • What were the successes of the project? What were the factors that led to the observed successes?
  • Are the change outcomes initially identified still valid?
  • Did the project make significant contributions to other key change outcomes?
  • What are the implications of Oxfam and partners work for different groups of people (women, youth, girls, elderly, people with disabilities, the poor and other minority groups)?
  • Did groups benefit from Oxfam and Partners work?
  • Were some groups excluded, or did they face barriers to participation?
  • How might this have impacted Oxfam and partners contribution to change?
  • How did Oxfam and partners contribute to the different change outcomes?
  • What are the relevant pathways between inputs from the project, outputs, and change outcomes?

ii) Assess and document lessons learned from three years of work under this portfolio.

  • What challenges or bottlenecks did Oxfam and partners face throughout this work?
  • How did they adapt or change?
  • What could be done differently in the future?
  • How have Oxfam’s partnerships with local organizations contributed to achieving the goals?
  • Are there any areas that Oxfam should consider to further strengthen local partnerships for effective delivery of similar work in future?
  • What other lessons can be learned from Oxfam’s work? These may include both lessons that are substantive in nature and operational.

iii) Identify and formulate near-term and long-term strategic priorities and opportunities for realizing access to energy for all as part of a just energy transition

  • What emerged as key priorities for future work to realize a vision for a just energy transition and contribute significantly to MW2063?
  • What are the opportunities?
  • What are potential entry points for the opportunities (if any)

4.0 Overall Approach to the evidence learning evaluation.
This evaluation should draw on several participatory approachesfor this work. This should includeoutcome harvesting, key informant interviews and focus group discussions with a range of stakeholders, storytelling, and/or in-depth case studies to illustrate Oxfam’s contributions to change outcomes and identify lessons learned.

The approach for this evaluation should embody Oxfam’s feminist and social justice principles. As a process focused on learning, the proposed approach should be guided by a feminist approach to MEAL. For example, learning questions should examine to what extent Oxfam’s energy transition work reflected the knowledge and priorities of women, gender minority groups, young people, and other under represented groups, identify barriers to participation, reflect on how Oxfam actively worked to overcome such barriers.

Feminist and participatory methods should be employed to assess contributions of Oxfam’s work towards its stated energy goals, including for instance outcome harvesting, focus group discussions, and key informant interviews.

4.1 Scope of the assignment
The consultant(s) will be expected to undertake the following tasks:

  1. Review various key documents related to the project:
    Proposals, Project document, Project annual plans, reports, briefing notes, published material, and any other relevant document.
  2. Develop inception report, with detailed methodology and approach for data collection and evaluation.
  3. Conduct qualitative data collection, including interviews, focus group discussions and/or storytelling exercises with key stakeholders.
  4. Compile a narrative report (not more than 40 pages long) and power point presentation on findings which will be presented to Oxfam and partners.
  5. Conduct validation process and integrate feedback or edits from key stakeholders (Oxfam, CISONECC, partners)
  6. Support with documentation of evidence pieces as agreed by the concerned parties at the inception meeting of the work.

4.2 Key outputs of the assignment

  1. An inception report of the assignment, detailing approach, methodology and tools for undertaking the assignment.
  2. A high quality and focused report of not more than 40 pages (one bound hard copy and one electronic), presenting findings of End of Project Evaluation. The report should have a stand-alone executive summary (2-4 pages) with key findings and should have actionable and targeted recommendations.
  3. Power point presentation to be presented in a meeting with Oxfam and partners.
  4. Electronic copies of original and cleaned data sets including data collection notes and any other related materials.
  5. Case studies or stories illustrating specific contributions to change outcomes that serve as evidence in the report or as standalone products, published.

5.0 Consultant Requirements
The evaluation will be carried out by a consultants) with the following attributes:

  • At least master’s degree in an area related to Energy, Natural Resource Management, Economics, and any related field for the team lead.
  • Experience in conducting Evaluations.
  • Experience inAdvocacy programming
  • Experience in qualitative approaches to evaluation
  • The consultant should have at least 10 years’ experience in carrying out similar exercises.
  • Some experience in gender programming, feminist
    MEAL, and/or gender-responsive research and evaluation
  • Experience in documenting case studies and success stories
  • Substantial knowledge in the energy sector

6.0 Work Schedule
Oxfam expects the consultant to complete the assignment by end October 2024.

7.0 Supervision and management

  • The consultant will receive day to day operational support from the Knowledge Management Coordinator in undertaking this assignment.

8.0 Submission of proposals
Interested consultant (s) should submit technical and financial proposal (not more than 10 pages), detailing how they will undertake the assignment. Include up-to-date CVs of the lead consultants) as annex. Proposals should be submitted to Oxfam through email to procurement.malawi@oxfam.org.uk and must be clearly indicated “Access to Clean Energy Evidence Learning Evaluation” by 17:00 hours local time on 22nd July, 2024

All correspondence for the consultancy should be addressed to:

Internal Procurement Committee
Oxfam in Malawi
Green Heritage House (Area 13 Market)
P/Bag B331
Lilongwe 3, Tel: +265 1 770 489/525
Email: procurement.malawi@oxfam.org.uk
