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Request for Quotations (RfQ) – Supply of Crop Seeds
Project Background
The Evangelical Lutheran Development Service (ELDS) is a Development service arm of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Malawi (ELCM). ELDS is operational in 13 districts across the country namely Chikwawa, Neno, Mwanza, Zomba and Phalombe in south; Dowa, Dedza, Kasungu, Lilongwe Rural, Nkhota Kota and Mchinji in Centre; Mzimba and Chitipa in the North. ELDS works in rural areas to reduce human suffering and poverty through sustainable development (food and nutrition security, Micro-finance, Value Addition and Marketing; Water, Sanitation and Hygiene; Health Services (Maternal and Child Health, Malaria and Trachoma Elimination, Sexual Reproductive Health); Climate Change and disaster management; HIV and AIDS, Psychosocial, Gender, Human Rights and advocacy as cross cutting.
With support from Bread for the World Germany, ELDS is implementing a 3 year project “Climate Resilience and Sustainable Livelihoods Project” in Mzimba and Nkhota-kota Districts. ELDS now invites quotations from eligible service providers to supply goods as detailed hereunder;
(1) Orange Fleshed Sweet Potato (OFSP) vines
Located in T/A Jaravikuba, Mzimba District, the service provider is expected to supply and deliver A minimum of two types of Orange Fleshed Sweet Potato varieties with the following specifications; Free from diseases and flesh ready for planting, in bundles of 4 kgs minimum. The offer price should include transportation to the district/site of delivery.
(1) Improved Varieties of Cassava Cuttings
Located in T/A Jaravikuba, Mzimba District, the service provider is expected to supply and deliver A minimum of two types of Improved Variety of Cassava Cuttings with the following specifications; Free from diseases and flesh ready for planting, in bundles of minimum of 50 sticks of 1 metre per bundle. The offer price should include transportation to the district/site of delivery.
Evaluation of Quotations
Service Providers will be evaluated based on compliance with the requirements as a minimum below as follows, Field of specialization of the firm, experience in carrying out similar specific assignments in the past 2 years, proof of financial adequacy to carry out the work, and estimated cost of the assignment per unit cost of item.
NOTE: ELDS reserves the right to accept or reject all offers without any explanation.
Interested Service Providers should submit their Quotations in hard copies clearly marked “Quotations for Supply of Sweet Potato Vines and Cassava Cuttings” – Bread for the World Project” not later than 9th December 2024. Applications should be addressed to:
Evangelical Lutheran Development Service
P/Bag 25