Request for Proposals to Conduct a Multi Project Synthesis Evaluation for Help A Child Malawi Programs (2011-2023)

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Help a Child (Red een Kind) is a Christian international relief and development organization, founded in 1968 in the Netherlands. Help a Child provides a future for children in need, their family and their entire community. By empowering vulnerable communities, we help them to change their own living conditions and opportunities in a sustainable way.

Help a Child works in areas with high incidences of poverty or in places where children and families are extra vulnerable due to disasters or (imminent) conflicts. The organization works across India, Kenya, Malawi, Burundi, Rwanda, DRC, Uganda, Somalia, and South Sudan.

Help a Child Malawi (HaCM) has been active in Malawi since 2010. Our focus areas include Early Childhood Care and Development, Youth Empowerment, Environmental Conservation and Community Empowerment.

Help a Child Malawi works in partnership with local Christian Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) to promote the wellbeing of children by empowering their families and communities. We work in partnership with World Alive Commission for Relief and Development (WACRAD) and Livingstonia Synod Aids Program (LISAP) as implementing partners. HaCM also works in partnership with the relevant government line ministries and departments as strategic partners.

Help a Child Malawi is looking for a consultant (individual/Agency) to conduct a synthesis evaluation that informs the organization’s cumulative contribution to development in Malawi in the thematic areas of focus that the organization invested into, in the past 12 years.

Purpose of the task

The purpose of the consultancy is to assess and document the cumulative impact of the programs that have been ever implemented by Help a Child Malawi and its implementing partners in the past 12 years (2011 to 2023)

Competence Required:

Qualification and Experience

  • A minimum of a Masters’ degree in any of the following areas; Social Sciences, Rural and Community Development, Early Childhood Development, Youth Development, Environmental Conservation.
  • Must have a minimum of 8 years’ overall experience conducting evaluations, 4 of which must be evaluations for multi-thematic integrated programs.
  • Must have good understanding of ECD Programs, Community development programs, Youth empowerment programs and agricultural commercialization programs.
  • Demonstrated experience of doing similar assignments (previous reports and key tools will be required at proposal submission)

Knowledge and skills.

  • Excellent analytical, interpersonal, communication and reporting skills.
  • Excellent technical knowledge on ECD programs, Youth empowerment programs, community development and agricultural commercialization programs in Malawi


A Draft financial proposal must be submitted by the consultant indicating all-inclusive costs for conducting the exercise.

Application Format

Technical Proposal: The prospective consultant should make their technical proposal application of not more than 12 pages excluding annexes using the following format.

  • Cover letter
  • Profile of the consultant or consultancy firm
  • Proposed Methodology
  • Proposed workplan or schedul

Financial Proposal: The financial proposal should specify the daily professional fees, and other expenses quoted in separate line items.

The financial proposal must be an appendix of the technical proposal.

Annexes: Include 3 reports of previous work on multi-thematic integrated program evaluations and one key tool per report.

Adherence to Help a Child Malawi Child Safeguarding Policies is a MUST for all eligible candidates.

Submit proposals by email

with copies to: and

Comprehensive TORs can be obtained through the following

Date line for receiving applications is Friday, 1st November, 2024 by 17:00hrs
