Request for Proposals – Provision of External Audit Services

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SUCOMA SACCO, established on 27th January 1995, is a cooperative society dedicated to providing financial services through the mobilization of savings and productive utilization of funds by lending to its members. Over the years, we have grown to serve a diverse membership base, offering a range of financial producs and services designed to meet the unique needs of our members. Our mission is to offer financial services to the best of our capability that bring highest level of satisfaction while optimizing stakeholders return and managing risk and environmental aspects.

We invite proposals from qualified and experienced audit firms to provide external audit services. The selected firm will conduct a comprehensive audit of SUCOMA SACCO’s financial statements, ensuring compliance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and all relevant regulations

Scope of Work:

The scope of the external audit services includes:

  1. Auditing SUCOMA SACCO’s financial statements for the fiscal year ending 3lst December 2024.
  2. Reviewing internal controls and providing actionable recommendations for improvement.
  3. Ensuring compliance with all applicable laws and regulations.
  4. Delivering a detailed audit report outlining key findings and recommendations.

Proposal Requirements:

Interested audit firms are requested to submit their proposals in a sealed envelope clearly marked “Provision of External Audit Services”. The proposal should include the following:

  1. Company Profile: An overview of the firm’s history, experience, and qualifications.
  2. Audit Approach and Methodology: A detailed description of the proposed audit process, including the timeline for execution.
  3. Key Personnel: Resumes of the lead auditor and other key team members involved in the engagement.
  4. References: Contact information for at least three clients for whom similar services have been provided.
  5. Fee Structure: A detailed breakdown of the proposed fees, including any additional costs.

Submission Deadline:

All proposals must be submitted no later than 4:00 PM on Tuesday, 31st December 2024 to:

The Chairperson
P.O. Box 43,
Or Email:

We encourage all qualified and interested audit firms to participate in this bidding process.

Note: Late submissions will not be considered.
