Request for Proposals – Development of Guidance Documents, Case Studies and Reference Materials to Drive Replication of Forest Landscape Restoration (FLR) Good Practices in Malawi

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Terms of reference to develop guidance documents case studies and reference materials to drive replication of Forest Landscape Restoration (FLR) good practices in Malawi.

1. Introduction

Forest Landscape Restoration (FLR) is an ongoing process of regaining ecological functionality and enhancing human well-being across deforested or degraded forest landscapes. It involves the restoration of a whole landscape to meet present and future needs and to offer multiple benefits and land uses over time.

Having adopted FLR as a restoration approach, the Government of Malawi has for the last 7 years heightened the implementation of the recommendations in the 2017 National ROAM report by; mobilizing resources, providing the necessary policy and institutional enabling conditions and communicating the progress being made. While these efforts have yielded positive results, there is a need to reflect on and take stock of actions/practices/interventions/inventions deployed in Malawi for the last couple of years to identify and document good or best practices for rapid replication and accelerated scaling-up even as the country races towards the 2030 horizon. By developing clear guidelines for all tested and successful practices/actions/interventions/inventions in the country, policymakers and decision-makers will be informed on the strategic directions for accelerated restoration while at the same time build an important bank of information and reference for practitioners, farmers and landowners. By highlighting effective strategies and approaches these guidelines will lead to improved policy actions, informed planning and resource allocation for large-scale FLR efforts. Further, for FLR to contribute to improved climate resilience reduced pressure on and loss of biodiversity-rich habitats in Malawi, all relevant stakeholders need to have a common vision and common understanding on what works and what doesn’t for Malawi. With clear references and cases studies (successful and georeferenced projects, local and scientific knowledge and success factors), the guidelines will outline step-by-step processes, and essential considerations for successful restoration through identified actions, practices, interventions and inventions.

The AREECA project in Malawi is keen on building capacities of local facilitators and extension workers to implement viable land use options at the landscape level, and improve the quality of planting material for forestry, agroforestry, and agricultural production. This project is part of Malawi’s commitment to restore 4.5 million hectares of degraded and deforested land as part of the AFR100 and Bonn Challenge initiatives.

With this assignment, AREECA seeks to produce guidelines for best practices in the country and produce communication materials for case studies – within AREECA and beyond – and tell a story of success factors to inspire more efforts towards 2030 and beyond. Further, to ensure successful dissemination of the said materials and any other FLR knowledge in the country, this assignment will involve the development of a FLR communication strategy touching on AREECA but also acting as a living document for general FLR communication in the country up to 2030 (five-year strategy).

Working closely with the national programme officer, regional communication officer and the regional programme coordinator, the consultant will consult widely with the government officials and authorities, renown conservation/ ecosystem restoration experts in Malawi, Panorama programme leads (IUCN & GIZ), key FLR players and stakeholders in Malawi, and AREECA consortium members in all the 4 AREECA countries.

Requiring basic knowledge in FLR and or ecosystem restoration, proven knowledge and skills in developing communication strategies, content and materials the consultant will also be required to identify and validate communication channels through which various materials will be disseminated.

2. Objective

The objective of this assignment is to develop best/good practices guidelines backed up with cases studies and reference materials that will serve as a resource for individuals and organizations seeking to implement effective restoration solutions in Malawi. This means addressing current communication gaps and enhancing information documentation, management, sharing, utilization, and learning among FLR stakeholders.

By leveraging the strengths within technical departments and capitalizing on opportunities across various partners involved in FLR efforts and initiatives, the developed guidelines will facilitate effective communication, foster collaboration, and ensure the success and sustainability of FLR in the country.

A national FLR communication strategy is a priority document to be developed together with editing, branding, printing, and publishing of key AREECA reports including the reports on harmonisation of laws and policies for FLR, the Adopt a Forest initiative and development of value chains and strengthening market access. The number of copies for these reports will be discussed and agreed during contract negotiations. Other communication materials related to case studies and or best practices – whether digital or print – will be discussed, developed, and validated and the number copies must be agreed upon during the contract negotiations.

Strategic objectives of the assignment

  • To foster meaningful engagement with key stakeholders to cultivate active and collaborative partnerships in the development of the documents and reference materials while ensuring stakeholder insights and contributions are valued and integrated.
  • To develop guidance documents that will foster information sharing, knowledge dissemination, and meaningful engagement with FLR stakeholders and the broader public.
  • To ensure that guidance documents have compelling key messages tailored to various target audiences, are clear, impactful, and gender-sensitive and youth oriented.

3. Scope of Work

The consultant is expected to undertake the following tasks with reference to all FLR related documents in Malawi including the specific reports that are ready for printing and publishing:

I. Development of a national FLR communication strategy.

  1. Set clear and measurable communication goals and objectives aligned with FLR outcomes for Malawi.
  2. Develop a national FLR communication strategy that outlines key messages, target audiences, communication tools and channels, timelines, and monitoring and evaluation mechanisms. Identify and prioritize key issues, interests, and opportunities for stakeholder engagement in FLR initiatives.

II. Review and edit, brand, print and support the publication of various AREECA reports.

  1. Review and or edit and brand the draft document on the FLR financing mechanism – Adopt a Forest Initiative document, print and support its publication.
  2. Edit, format, brand, print and support the publication of reports on harmonisation of laws and policies and FLR value chain and market access analysis. Using info-graphs and other creative mind-mapping techniques prepare high-level policy briefs from the reports to inform and influence action from decision makers and strategically advocate for supportive policy frameworks and legislative measures at various government levels, leveraging effective advocacy and lobbying strategies to increase commitment and tangible support for FLR actions and initiatives.

III. Develop guidelines/guidance document on best practices in Malawi with clear proven references, cases studies and success stories.

  1. With reference to the IUCN- WRI 2014 Restoration Opportunities Assessment Methodology, 2017 National FLR Assessment, 2022 Restoration Barometer data, recent restoration stocktake by IUCN & World Bank produce FLR standards and procedures for implementation at landscape level.
  2. the identification and documentation of 10 good practices in the country for publication on the PANORAMA Solutions platform in consultation with IUCN and GIZ.

NB: Where printing is required, the consultant will agree with the Programme Officer on the number of copies depending on the budget of this assignment and prevailing market conditions for print services.

4. Expected Outputs/deliverables and duration.

The conformity of the deliverables will be assessed and confirmed by IUCN. The assignment will be conducted within Seventy (70) days from the date of contract signing.

The following will be the expected outputs of the assignment:

  • A national FLR communication strategy and implementation plan, including suggested visuals such as infographics, video scripts, and printed materials, for validation by key stakeholders.
  • Branded, printed, and published reports and policy briefs as mentioned in the ToR.
  • High level communication materials with info-graphs and other mind-mapping/inspiring creatives (print & digital) for key success stories, good/best practices and or inventions within AREECA and beyond.
Inception report and detailed work planAn inception report showing a clear understanding of the ToR for the assignment, workplan and agreed deliverable including number of communication materials to go for printing.10 days
Draft guidance documents
  • Drafts of the guidelines outlined in the ToR
  • Other relevant documents based on the details of scope of work above.
40 days
Validation workshop
  • Printing of samples for validation
  • Validation workshop to present, discuss and get stakeholder feedback on the developed documents
5 days
assignment and guidance documentsFinal report of the Final report (EN), both in word and power point presentation format, in alignment with IUCN15 days


5. Payment Schedule

The Timetable below summarises the chronological order of deliverables and indicates milestones at which IUCN will pay the Consultant.

DeliverableMilestone payment
1. Inception report and detailed work plan30%
2. Draft guidance documents40%
3. Final report of the assignment and guidance documents.30%


6. Supervision and reporting

The consultant will work closely with IUCN, FAO, the department of forestry, the department of land resources conservation and agriculture extension services and other relevant stakeholders for the assignment. The consultant will engage the above institutions and provide periodic progress reports.

He or she will be reporting to AREECA Programme Officer- Malawi and AREECA Programme Regional Coordinator – ESARO.

7. Required qualifications and experience.

The consultant will be required to have:

  • Advanced degree in the field of Mass Communications, or other relevant fields.
  • Ten (10) years and above working knowledge and experience in FLR or similar field, with competent team members.
  • Extensive experience in developing, designing, production and publishing communication products.
  • Strong analytical skills, including capacity to synthesise academic literature and desk review.
  • Proven skills in drafting high quality reports.
  • Experience in doing similar work in Malawi and familiarity with the key stakeholders is a strong asset.
  • Experience and knowledge of sustainable agriculture and tree/forest conservation practices in productive landscapes.
  • Ability to communicate (Verbal and written) in Chichewa and English

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