Request for Proposal to Provide External Audit Services

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Operation Smile is an international medical charity with a presence in more than 60 countries, whose global network of thousands of credentialed medical volunteers from more than 80 countries is dedicated to helping improve the health and lives of children. Since its founding in 1982, Operation Smile has provided hundreds of thousands of free surgical procedures for children and young adults born with cleft lip, cleft palate, and other facial deformities.

Operation Smile expanded its reach into Malawi in 2012. Since then, Operation Smile has been working under the umbrella of the Ministry of Health and is committed to the creation of programs leading to the self-sustainable treatment of cleft lip and cleft palate pathologies through capacity-building and working within the existing cleft infrastructure in Malawi.

Operation Smile’s financial year runs from July to June.

The objective of the audit is to enable the auditors express an independent opinion on Operation Smile Malawi’s Financial statements. The Auditors may not provide any other services to OSM that may result in conflict of interest.


2.1. The audit will be carried out in accordance with the International Standards on Auditing (ISA) which will involve all the tests and verification procedures that the auditors deem relevant in:

  1. Understanding OSM’s accounting systems and assessing its adequacy as a basis for the preparation of the financial statements.
  2. Provide reasonable assurance that OSM’s financial statements were prepared according to the International financial reporting standards.
  3. Providing reasonable assurance that OSM’s internal control system is adequate to lead to efficient resource utilization and reliable financial reports; and
  4. Providing reasonable assurance that the audit plan is comprehensive enough to detect any material misstatements, irregularities, and fraud in OSM’s financial statements.

2.2. In conducting the audit, the auditor should ensure that:

  1. All funds received have been used in accordance with the OSM donors’ agreements where applicable, with due attention paid to economy and efficiency and only for the intended use.
  2. Goods and services were procured in accordance with sound procurement practices as spelt out OSM’s Financial and procurement manual.
  3.  The Institute has kept all appropriate supporting documents, records and books of accounts relating to all OSM business.
  4. The financial statements have been prepared in accordance with ISA standards and they give a true and fair view of the situation at the year-end.
  5. The overall internal control and risk management framework is sound and in line with the Institute’s policies as approved by the Board of Governors.

OSM has well documented systems and procedures. The major systems in place are as follows:

  1. Quick Book Accounting System.
  2. Policy documents as follows:
    • Finance and Procurement manual.
    • Human Resources Manual
    • IT Policy


  1. Signed Audited Financial Statements by 31st March 2025.
  2. Management letter to be issued after the audit along with the audited financial statements, commenting on operations, systems etc. and giving recommendations for improvement where necessary.

Proposals will be assessed based on the following:

  1. Qualification of proposed team.
  2. Relevance of experience of members of the proposed team.
  3. Experience of Firm in auditing similar organizations.
  4. Timing of audit; and
  5. Cost

Eligible audit firms with requisite expertise in providing the above- mentioned services to submit proposals. Any firm that has offered these services in the last 4 years is not eligible to apply and will not be considered.

  1. Eligible firms should make electronic submissions, giving details as specified in section 2 and 3.
  2. The firm will be selected in accordance with OSM’s procurement procedures.

Proposals should be e-mailed to the address below by 20th September 2024.

Any inquiries should be sent to the provided email address.
