Terms of Reference (TOR) for the Development of the Strategic Plan (2024-2029) for Young Voices organization

Young Voices Organization (YVO)


  1. Background.

Young Voices Organization (YVO) is a youth-led non-governmental organization based in Blantyre, Malawi. Since its establishment, YVO has been committed to empowering young people through advocacy, education, and capacity-building initiatives. As the current strategic plan (2015-2020) nears completion, YVO is seeking to develop a new strategic plan for the period 2024-2029. This plan will guide the organization’s efforts to continue fostering youth engagement and address emerging challenges over the next five years.

  1. Objectives of the Assignment

The primary objective of this assignment is to develop a comprehensive Strategic Plan for YVO for the period 2024-2029. The strategic plan will:

  • Reflect the mission, vision, and values of YVO.
  • Identify key strategic priorities, goals, and objectives.
  • Establish a clear implementation framework, including resource mobilization strategies.
  • Provide a monitoring and evaluation framework to track progress and impact.
  1. Scope of Work

The consultant/team will be responsible for the following tasks:

  1. Review of Existing Documents:
    • Review the current strategic plan (2015-2020) and related organizational documents. o Conduct a situational analysis, including a SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) analysis.
    • Conduct a thorough analysis of the organization using a PESTEL (Political, Economic, Social, Technological, Ecological and Legal)
  2. Stakeholder Engagement:
    • Facilitate consultations with key stakeholders, including YVO members, staff, board members, donors, and beneficiaries.
    • Incorporate feedback from stakeholders into the strategic plan.
  3. Development of Strategic Priorities:
    • Identify and articulate key strategic priorities for YVO for the period 20242029.
    • Develop specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) objectives.
  4. Implementation Plan:
    • Develop a detailed implementation plan, including timelines, resource requirements, and responsible parties.
    • Propose strategies for resource mobilization and sustainability.
  5. Monitoring and Evaluation Framework:

o Design a monitoring and evaluation framework to assess the progress and impact of the strategic plan. o Recommend key performance indicators (KPIs) for tracking progress.

  1. Final Report:
    • Prepare and present the draft strategic plan to YVO for review.
    • Incorporate feedback and finalize the strategic plan.
  2. Deliverables
    • Inception report outlining the methodology, work plan, and timelines.
    • Draft Strategic Plan 2024-2029.
    • Final Strategic Plan 2024-2029, incorporating feedback from YVO and stakeholders.
    • Monitoring and Evaluation Framework.
  3. Duration of the Assignment

The assignment is expected to be completed within 45 days from the date of signing the contract.

  1. Qualifications and Experience

The consultant/team should possess the following qualifications:

  • Proven experience in strategic planning, particularly with youth-focused organizations.
  • Strong understanding of the socio-economic and political context of Malawi.
  • Demonstrated experience in facilitating stakeholder engagement processes.
  • Excellent analytical, writing, and presentation skills.
  1. Submission of Proposals

Interested consultants/teams are requested to submit the following:

  • A technical proposal detailing the understanding of the assignment, proposed methodology, and work plan.
  • A financial proposal outlining the costs associated with the assignment.
  • CVs of key personnel and relevant experience.
  • References from previous clients.
  1. Evaluation Criteria

Proposals will be evaluated based on the following criteria:

  • Understanding of the assignment.
  • Proposed methodology and approach.
  • Relevant experience and qualifications.
  • Cost-effectiveness.
  1. Reporting

The consultant/team will report to Executive Director of Young Voices Organization.

  1. Payment Schedule

Payments will be made in installments based on the delivery of agreed milestones:

  • 30 % upon submission of the inception report.
  • 50% upon submission of the draft strategic plan.
  • 20% upon approval of the final strategic plan.
  1. Submission Deadline

Proposals must be submitted by 27th September, 2024 to Internal Procurement Committee, Young Voices Organization, P.O. Box 30010, Chichiri, Blantyre 3.: youngvoicesmw@gmail.com and copy to ndaonam@nexell.mw

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