Main purpose of job: BHC Malawi is looking to recruit a dynamic, well qualified and experienced candidate who can support the development of this agenda. Malawi offers a rewarding work environment, which delivers programme results, and provides policy and technical input into the FCDO at the BHC Malawi, regional and central levels. Overall, in this role you will be responsible for leading BHC’s programme and policy work on private sector development, leading engagement with key stakeholders that can leverage private sector instruments and opportunities for UK and Malawi mutual priorities on growth, climate and nature and poverty reduction. This includes but is not limited to key departments and agencies in the UK and Malawi government, leading UK, Malawian and third country investors and businesses in the real economy, financial sector, international finance institutions and development partners. Roles and responsibilities: Key responsibilities include: Provide technical oversight and lead technical advice on design, delivery, monitoring, learning as Senior Responsible Owner of the £39m Malawi Trade and Investment Programme, that seeks to support macro-economic stability, boost exports through developing key value chains and bringing down the cost of trade through trade facilitation. This includes: - Direct oversight of the Malawi Value Chains project that uses a market systems approach to support growth and poverty reduction through the macadamia, mangoes and mining value chains; supports trade facilitation through Trade Mark Africa; and complemented by a vehicle that delivers higher-value investments in critical infrastructure, which you will be responsible for designing.
- Work with the BHC Economist to oversee support that provides technical advice to achieve macro-economic stability, improved public financial management, alongside other technical advice underpinning economic growth.
Ensure strong coordination and cross-mission private sector support: - Providing adaptive cross-office advisory support to the PSD agenda in relevant areas e.g. working with climate finance stakeholders (e.g. in the energy, climate adaption spaces), close engagement with UK Department for Business and Trade (DBT) on UK trade and investment priorities and exploring avenues to harness the British Investment Partnerships toolkit in Malawi and support FCDO’s priorities in supporting mutual beneficial growth, tackle climate and nature crises, using both ODA and non-ODA levers.
- Lead in shaping and briefing on relevant business environment reforms that affect growth of the private sector through direct engagement, commissioning impactful work, and building consensus and driving concerted efforts among relevant stakeholders, feeding into and supporting relevant FCDO regional and centre-led agriculture, business environment and financial service programmes, and supporting the design of a new Climate Change business case on PSD aspects.
- Supporting the BHC’s senior leaders in delivering the UK’s policy engagement and influencing agenda on growth, trade and private sector development.
- Developing networks and utilising high-level relationships in the private sector, central government, IFIs and other development partners to deliver MTIP and PSD objectives.
- Maintain cutting edge understanding of and application of evidence and work to build the capability of others, including potential line reports.
Resources managed (staff and expenditure):- Financial oversight as Senior Responsible Owner (SRO) of the Malawi Trade an Investment Programme (£39m)
- Management of two members of staff (1 Trade and Investment Specialist; 1 Deputy Programme Manager)