Agribusiness Specialist

Ministry of Agriculture 

Ministry of Agriculture


Country: Malawi
Project Name: Sustainable Agriculture Production Programme II
Assignment title: Agribusiness Specialist.
Reference no.: 019/SAPP 11/AGB/INDCO_1/2024/25

1.0 Background

The Sustainable Agriculture Production Programme II (SAPP II) is a 7 years programme with a start date of 13th March, 2024 and an end date of 30th March, 2030 The programme is financed by the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), European Union (EU), Adaptation Fund, United States Agency for Internation Development (USAID), Malawi Government, Private Sector and Beneficiaries.

The total programme cost is US$53.336 million. IFAD finances USD 18.083 million (34%) of the total programme cost through a grant. The Government of Malawi (GOM) finances USD 8 million (15%) of the total programme cost through taxes, office spaces and staff salaries.

SAPP Il builds on the lessons and achievements of the first phase, and will promote increased production and productivity of climate smart and nutrition sensitive smallholder farming systems (both crops and livestock), sustainable use of natural resources, and effective marketing through private sector engagement. SAPP Il will focus on increasing productivity beyond subsistence levels with a commercialization drive. The programme will be implemented in Mzimba North and South, Dowa East and West, Lilongwe East and West and Balaka districts.

The Sustainable Agriculture Production Programme I intends to apply part of the proceeds to procure the services of a highly motivated and experienced Agribusiness’ Specialist.

2. Job Purpose

SAPP Il is inviting applications for the position of Agribusiness Specialist tenable at the PMU in Lilongwe. The purpose of this position is to provide technical lead to the programme in areas of commodity development for the selected commodities, linking farmers to sustainable markets, liaising with chain actors and supporters, and exploring opportunities for value addition and other technical related issues.

Key Responsibilities and duties

  1. Provide overall oversight of the commodity development activities, and technical support to PMU, commodity specialist, and field coordinators in formulating and implementing strategies and action plans for commodity development in an effective, efficient and sustainable manner;
  2. Provide technical leadership in the process of commodity analysis for all selected commodities and in identifying opportunities and developing action plans for the development of the relevant commodities;
  3. Liaise continuously with the NPC on constraints along the identified commodities, and agree on the strategies to address the constraints;
  4. Explore different types of farmers- market linkages to offer opportunity for improving smallholder marketing;
  5. Work out a mechanism to strengthen platforms that are relevant to selected focal commodities for SAPP II;
  6. Other technical activities that will require your input include:
  7. Assist in developing product quality and grading standards and application of appropriate quality assurance systems;
  8. Identify and support the development of niche marketing opportunities such as organic and fair trade;
  9. Assess capacity needs of the technical staff and make necessary recommendations
  10. Serve as a lead person on all technical issues including
    1. Management of FCF
    2. Management of field activities
    3. Chain development issues
    4. Networking and forum development
    5. Linking farmers to sustainable markets.
  11. Submit quarterly progress reports in the agreed format

4. Qualification and Experience

  1. First degree in a relevant discipline such as Agriculture, Economics, Marketing, or Finance;
  2. Five years’ experience in economic and agricultural oriented development with a minimum of five years exposure in agribusiness and commerce in Malawi;
  3. Knowledge of agribusiness and marketing across a range of commodities;
  4. Implementation of commodity enhancement programmes involving smallholder farmers;
  5. Sound experience of project and enterprise planning techniques and systems

A consultant will be selected in accordance with the individual consultant selection (ICS) method set out in IFAD’ Project Procurement Handbook that can be accessed via the IFAD website at

6. Method of application
Interested and qualified candidates should send their applications together with copies of certificates, CVs and names of three traceable referees clearly indicating the position being applied for on the email heading (for emails) and on envelopes (for hard-copies) not later than 11th October 2024 (16:30 hours) to:
The National Programme Coordinator
Sustainable Agriculture Production Programme II (SAPPII)
P.O. Box 30217
Lilongwe 3


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