Terms of Reference_BSF Product Unit Product Unit Design Expert_AquaLink


Consultancy Opportunity

Title: Black Soilder Fly Production Unit Design Expert– Aqualink
Locations:  Lilongwe
Expected Period: July 2024 to September 2024



CASA is an FCDO-International Climate Finance (ICF) funded programme driving global investment for inclusive climate-resilient agri-food systems that increase smallholder incomes. CASA makes the case to impact and return-oriented investors for increased investment in agribusinesses that work with smallholder supply chains. The programme achieves this goal by:

  • Demonstrating the commercial viability and investment-readiness of small and medium-sized (SME) agribusinesses with significant smallholder supply chains
  • Helping investors to increase the impact of their investments through the provision of inclusive technical assistance
  • Strengthening the socio-legal empowerment of smallholders within value chains
  • Tackling the information and evidence gaps holding back investment

For demonstrating the commercial and development potential of smallholder sourcing models, CASA focuses on catalytic interventions in the agriculture sectors of Ethiopia, Malawi, Nepal, and Rwanda that support agri-SMEs prepare for and secure investment while connecting smallholders to commercial markets.

CASA’s work on research and communications is structured around identifying constraints, opportunities and addressing evidence gaps through research; shaping the debate on smallholder agriculture to influence actions of investors, governments, and donors; and creating networking opportunities through events and stakeholder engagement.


In Malawi’s poultry and aquaculture sectors, smallholder farmers are the predominant players. Despite their vital role, these smallholder fish and poultry producers struggle to meet market demand in terms of both volume and quality. Rising costs of imported and locally produced feed for both sectors continue to impede their ability to produce adequately. To address these challenges, CASA has partnered with AquaLink Services to enhance production efficiency and output among smallholder fish and poultry farmers, ultimately increasing their incomes.

This partnership aims to promote sustainable strategies to ensure an affordable and consistent supply of feed for both poultry and fish. Specifically, it will encourage the use of Black Soldier Fly as the main protein source for feeding chickens and fish among smallholder farmers who supply their fish and poultry to processing and marketing enterprises, many of which are working with CASA as implementing partners. This initiative is designed to reduce production costs, boost the commercialization efforts of smallholder farmers, and enhance their climate resilience, providing a viable solution to the productivity issues exacerbated by rising feed costs.

In pursuit of this objective, CASA seeks the services of a Short Term Technical Assistant (STTA) who will work with AquaLink Services to refine the design of a prototype for a Black Soldier Fly larvae rearing set and tailor it to the needs of various smallholder fish and poultry farmers. The expert will also build the capacity of AquaLink services in manufacturing the designed units and device guidelines for containing the uncontrolled spread of Black Soldier Flies in the environment from the smallholder farms rearing them.

About AquaLink Services Limited

AquaLink Services is a Malawian-owned company established and registered as a partnership in 2020. The company has three partners, each with an equal share in the company. AquaLink Services supplies aquaculture inputs, equipment and related services to smallholder farmers, NGOs and government projects throughout the country. The company has its head office in Lilongwe and three branches in Blantyre, Zomba and Mzuzu. The company is currently piloting a new business model full-scale local production of Black Soldier Fly (BSF) based feed in Malawi, by producing and selling on-farm BSF production units to smallholder farmers whilst also providing technical expertise on the use of the units to the customers.


In line with Workstream C of the Aqualink project business plan and budget group 2.2, the main objectives of this assignment are to provide technical expertise to AquaLink to adapt their existing BSF production unit design prototype to best meet the needs of different producers at different scales, i.e. smallholders and relatively larger MSMEs. Specifically, STTA will;

  • Tailor and adapt existing BSF unit designs to enable AquaLink to produce differentiated, low-cost prototypes scaled for different users;
  • Build the capacity of AquaLink staff in the production and use of improved prototypes;
  • Develop guidelines for preventing and containing the uncontrolled spread of BSF into the wider environment;
  • Produce regular progress reports and outputs for relevant project interventions in accordance with communication guidelines and requirements; and,
  • Adhere to the Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) manual and other relevant requirements of NIRAS Malawi.

Under the overall supervision of AquaLink management team with oversight from the CASA Market Manager for aquaculture, the BSF Product Refinement Expert will support AquaLink to fully develop and operationalise BSF production units for use across the aquaculture and poultry sectors.

The specific tasks of the Expert will include the preparation of the following:

  • Inception report, outlining a detailed methodology for the assignment;
  • Refined designed for BSF production units tailored to needs of various smallholder poultry and fish farmers. This will include technical designs and production guidelines, and capacity building for AquaLink to be able to produce the designed products;
  • BSF containment guidelines that includes containment measures; and
  • An assignment completion report outlining the activities conducted as part of the assignment with recommendations for improvement. 

Deliverable Timelines


# Deliverable Man-Days
1 Inception Report 0.5
2 Refined BSF Production Units designs, production guidelines and capacity building for AquaLink 9
2 BSF containment strategy 5
3 Assignment Completion Report 0.5


    Expected Start Date: July 2024
    Expected End Date: Sept 2024

     b. Assignment Days
    Up to 15 Workdays.

    c. Reporting Lines

    The consultant will report to the Aqualink’s senior management with oversight of CASA´s Aquaculture Market Manager Aquaculture.


Key qualification and field of expertise for the ideal expert are:

  • Possession of a bachelor’s degree in any agriculture, engineering or environmental management related field with significant component of Entomology. Those with a master’s degree in the same field will have an added advantage;
  • Extensive demonstrable experience and knowledge in the cultivation, management and use of black soldier flies;
  • Demonstrated understanding of the biological, environmental and practical aspects of black soldier fly farming, including optimal rearing conditions, nutritional requirements, waste management techniques and potential applications in various industries such as animal feed production;
  • Ability to design and implement efficient and sustainable BSF breeding systems, including the design of small and medium scale production units that maximise the yield and quality of black soldier fly larvae;
  • Excellent organizational and time management skills;
  • Excellent writing and oral communication, listening and interpersonal skills with the ability to deal tactfully and diplomatically with a wide range of people combined with an appreciation of the importance of confidentiality;
  • Willingness to take on new tasks at short notice and travel to remote places;
  • Ability to make decisions regarding own work, often in ambiguous situations and suggest recommendations regarding own function/discipline;
  • Ability to function with minimum guidance and under pre-set procedures with attention to detail; and
  • Able to exercise independent judgment within defined policies and practices.

Interested candidates should send an Expression of Interest no more than 8 pages long (in one document) broken down as follows;

  1. A maximum of 2 pages EOI submission letter providing an overview of the candidate’s suitability for the role and their preferred daily rate expressed in GBP
  2. A maximum of 3 pages outlining a proposed methodology according to their understanding of the assignment and its requirements.
  3. A maximum of 3 pages Curriculum Vitae/Resume outlining only the relevant qualifications, experience and attributes for the role. Emphasis should be placed on similar consultancy assignments carried out by the candidate in the past 7 years.

Applications to be sent to rhch@niras.com with title of the position being applied for in the subject line by 5thJuly 2024. Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis and will accept the first suitable applications received even before the deadline.

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