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Date: 14th September, 2024
1. The Government of Malawi through Zomba Central Hospital has budgeted funds through ORT and intends to apply the proceeds of these funds to cover payments under the contracts quantified below in the 2025-26 financial year.
2. Zomba Central Hospital now invites sealed bids from the eligible and qualified bidders for the supply and provision of the following:
Procurement Ref No.: | PROCUREMENT NAME | Period |
ZCH/NCB/MAINT-MAT/25-26/01 | Supply and delivery of Maintenance Materials | 12 Months |
ZCH/NCB/SECURITY/25-26/02 | Provision of Security Services | 12 Months. |
ZCH/NCB/IND-CLEAN/25-26/03 | Provision of In Door Cleaning Services | 12 Months |
ZCH/NCB/STATIONERY/25-26/04 | Supply and delivery of Stationery | 12 Months |
ZCH/NCB/CLEAN-MAT/25-26/05 | Supply and delivery of Cleaning Materials | 12 Months |
ZCH/NCB/CATER-SERV/25-26/06 | Provision of Catering Services | 12 Months |
ZCH/NCB/MAINT/25-26/07 | Servicing and Maintenance of Refrigerators, Air Conditioners, Mortuaries/Cold-Rooms, Cooking Pots and Generators | 12 Months |
ZCH/NCB/GROU-CLEAN/25-26/08 | Provision of Ground cleaning and Landscaping at Zomba Central Hospital | 12 Months |
3. The bids will be evaluated in accordance with the public procurement and Disposal of Assets Act of 2017. Participation is open to all eligible bidders.
4. Complete set of bidding documents may be obtained from the address below at (7a) and payment of a non-refundable fee of MK10,000.00 paid in cash at Zomba Central Hospital’s Cash Office
5. Interested bidders may obtain Bidding Documents and further information at the address given below at (7ga) from 8:00 am to 12:00 noon and from 13:00 to 16:00 hours local time during working days.
6. Bids must be delivered to the address given below at (7b) on or before 15th October 2024 at 10:00 am local time. Late bids will be rejected. Thereafter the bids will be opened in the presence of bidders or their representatives who choose to attend at the bid opening ceremony at the address below at (7b).
7. The addresses referred to above are:
a. Address for purchasing, inspection and issuing of bidding documents:
The Procurement and Disposal Officer
Zomba Central Hospital
Procurement Office
Along M3, Zomba Blantyre Road, Opposite Zomba Central Prison Garden
P.O Box 21
b. Address for submission of bid documents and bid opening ceremony.
Att: The Chairman, Internal Procurement and Disposal Committee
Zomba Central Hospital
Along M3 Zomba Blantyre Road Opposite Zomba Central Prison Garden
P.O Box 21
c. In Tender Box located at General Office Corridor, Opposite Procurement Office.