Invitation for Bids for Borehole Drilling

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World Relief is an international Christian NGO working in health, economic development, disaster response, and refugee resettlement. World Relief’s mission is empowering local churches to serve the most vulnerable.

World Relief Malawi is implementing Child development and protection interventions in Mzimba district with a WASH component. In this project, 10 boreholes will be drilled in traditional authority of Mmbelwa in Mzimba district. The organisation is requesting companies or individuals to bid for the drilling and installation of Afridev Hand Pumps.

A complete set of Bidding Documents in English language may be obtained by interested bidders from World Relief Malawi offices in area 12, Plot # 461 from 27th June to 4th July, 2024, 9:30hrs to 16:00hrs.

Duly completed bids in plain sealed envelopes marked “Sealed bids for borehole drilling-2024” should be submitted to:

The Chairperson, Internal Procurement Committee, World Relief Malawi, Area 12, Plot # 461, P.O Box 30717, Lilongwe

All bids shall be submitted to World Relief offices not later than 5th July, 2024. Tenders submitted after the deadline will not be considered.

Deliveries by hand and courier are preferred World Relief Malawi is not bound to accept the lowest or any bid and reserves the right to select the bid that offers best value for money.
