Employment Agency Services for Local Staff Recruitment

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Employment Agency Services for Local Staff Recruitment

The Embassy of Iceland in Lilongwe seeks the services of a qualified employment agency to assist in recruiting for locally hired positions within the Embassy.

Key requirements:

  • Experience: Proven track record in recruiting for international organisations in Malawi, including embassies, NGOs, and international agencies.
  • Services needed: End-to-end recruitment, including consultation, candidate sourcing, and compliance with Malawian labor laws.
  • References and examples: Must provide references and examples of positions previously filled for similar organisations.

Cost proposal: Interested agencies should submit a cost proposal for end-to-end recruitment.

Submission details: Please submit your expression of interest, including company profile, experience summary, references, examples of positions filled, and cost proposal, to the Embassy of Iceland in Lilongwe by end of business 30 August. Submissions should be sent via email to: Lilongwe@utn.is with the subject line “EOl – Employment Agency Services.”

For inquiries, please send an email to Lilongwe@utn.is
