Consultant to Assess the Capacity and Preparedness of Malawi’s Seed Industry for Accession to the Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development Seed Schemes

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Terms of Reference for Procurement of an Individual Consultant to Assess the Capacity and Preparedness of Malawi’s seed industry for Accession to the Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development Seed Schemes

1. Background and Context

The seed sector in Malawi involves both the public and private players. The main private players in the formal seed sector in Malawi are seed companies and seed growers that are registered by the Seed Services Unit (SSU) to produce and market varieties of certified seed. Seed Certification and Quality control and regulatory services are offered by the Seed Services Unit within the Department of Agricultural Research Services (DARS). The services include registration of seed growers, seed crop field inspection, seed sampling, laboratory seed testing, pre and post control testing of seed lots, monitoring of seed in seed outlets, provision of advisory services to all stakeholders in the seed industry, training seed growers and other stakeholders, research in seed science and technology, and facilitation of export and imports. The Unit carries out its activities through four offices strategically located in Mzuzu, Salima, Thyolo and Lilongwe at Lunyangwa, Lifuwu, Bumbwe and Chitedze Agricultural Research Stations, respectively. The main seed testing laboratory at Chitedze Agricultural Research Station is accredited to the International Seed Testing Association (ISTA).

The scope of accreditation includes seed sampling germination test, moisture determination, purity analysis and other seed determination. The seed certification standards of Malawi were aligned with the SADC and COMESA harmonized protocols in 2018 to facilitate international trade within these regional blocks.

1.1 Problem Statement

Malawi has had an organized seed sector for a while with several players such as seed companies that have been able to produce seed and transact domestically and internationally. To promote seed quality and export, the government sought accreditation to ISTA in 1982 The seed sector is a potential economic catalyst for Malawi, and a steppingstone towards Agricultural Commercialization as stipulated in the Malawi 2063 Vision. For several years, Malawi has been exporting seed to African countries, mostly the neighbouring or countries within the SADC and COMESA blocks, although some exports to distant countries have been made. The quantity of seed exported yearly is relatively low and limited to certain crops dominated by maize.

While accreditation to ISTA has assisted Malawi to export seed to several countries, the export is limited as the country rarely exports to some markets with strict prerequisite to compliance with the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) seed schemes. Even though Malawi’s seed certification system is based on the OEDC seed schemes, the country has not acceded to it. Accession to OECD seed schemes apart from opening markets will make the country’s seed sector competitive on the international market and be attractive to investors who may be interested in producing quality seed for local use and export.

With funding from AGRA through the Malawi Improved Seed Systems for Sustainable Agriculture Project, the Seed Trade Association of Malawi and the Department of Agricultural Research Services, intend to engage the services of a qualified individual consultant to assess the capacity and preparedness of Malawi for accession to the Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) seed schemes:

1.2 Overall Goal, Objective and Expected Outputs of the Assignment

1.2.1 Goal

To strengthen the competitiveness of the seed sector in Malawi by acceding to OECD seed schemes.

1.2.2 Objective

The overall objective of this assignment is to establish the preparedness of SSU and the seed sector in general for accession to OECD seed schemes and prepare the road map to accession.

1.2.3 Crops of Focus

The scope of OECD seed scheme accession being sought will be limited to four crops, which include maize, soybean, common beans, and groundnuts.

2.0 Scope of work and tasks

The assignment will be conducted in Malawi. The individual consultant will be expected to provide the following services:

  1. Conduct a systems and technical audit of SSU to determine the current status, identify gaps and propose solutions that would ensure that Malawi through SSU accedes to OECD seed schemes.
  2. Compare national seed certification standards and procedures against OECD seed schemes
  3. Determine the adequacy of SSU in relation to the requirement of OECD seed schemes in terms human resource, infrastructure and operational capacities
  4. Determine the adequacy of seed certification data management systems by SSU in relation to the requirement by OECD seed schemes
  5. Develop a comprehensive roadmap to Malawi’s accession to OECD seed schemes

3.0 Deliverables
The following deliverables are envisioned under these ToRs:

  1. Inception Report: An inception report demonstrating understanding of the assignment and a detailed methodology for carrying out the assignment successfully. The report will be presented to the Ministry of Agriculture within one week after signing of the contract
  2. A comprehensive plan of action – the consultant shall provide a comprehensive plan of action detailing all the proposed activities of the consultancy such as the detailed mapping of stakeholders to be engaged, outlining relative roles and responsibilities of the government and key stakeholders, including the private sector.
  3. Initiate initial engagement with OECD seed secretariate to get details on conditions and procedure for accession to the scheme
  4. Engagement of seed stakeholders through interviews to solicit key information that will provide details on the sector’s capacity and preparedness in relation to the requirement of OECD seed scheme
  5. Draft report on the level of compliance with OECD seed scheme highlighting the existing capacities and gaps, clear road map to accession, institutional roles and responsibilities and implementation time frame
  6. Present a draft report to stakeholders at a validation workshop organized by the MoA/DARS for further review and input
  7. Final report that incorporates feedback from the validation workshop

4.0 Eligibility Criteria

The assignment shall be carried out by an individual consultant with the following minimum qualifications

  • A minimum of master’s degree in agricultural related fields
  • A minimum of 10 years’ experience in Seed Systems related work with special focus on seed certification or regulatory service
  • The consultant must possess a sound reputation with demonstrated in-depth knowledge of public and private sector-led agricultural development in Africa
  • Previous or current work experience in seed related activities in developing countries and specifically in Africa
  • Previous experience in providing technical support to seed production SMEs/conducting assessments
  • Demonstrated in-depth knowledge of the OECD seed schemes
  • Conversant with regional seed policies, protocols and standards i.e. SADC and COMESA
  • Good knowledge of ISTA protocols, UPOV guidelines and international seed trade
  • Excellent communication and interpersonal skills, including working in teams
  • Excellent presentation, facilitation and report-writing skills

5.0 Duration of the assignment

The assignment will be delivered within a period of 60 effective working days spread over 4 months from the date of contract signing.

6.0 DARS’ Responsibilities

DARS will provide relevant documents to the consultant and facilitate logistical arrangements for the assignment. DARS will also provide overall guidance during the execution of the assignment.

7.0 Reporting

This overall assignment will be managed by the Ministry of Agriculture, but technically and administratively, the consultant will directly work with the Department of Agricultural Research Services (DARS).

8.0 Mode of application
Eligible firm/ team of consultants should send their technical and financial proposals by the end of business on 25th September 2024 to the following address:

Seed Trade Association of Malawi
P.O. Box 2505
Lilongwe Malawi

For any enquiries, please contact STAM at
