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Re: Accelerated Growth Corridors
Stakeholder Engagement
Ref #: MCA-MWII-24-4004
1. The United States of America and the Government of the Republic of Malawi (the “Government”) signed on September 28, 2022, a Compact for an amount of US$350 Million, for a program to advance economic growth and reduce poverty in Malawi. The Government is implementing the compact through the Millennium Challenge Account-Malawi II (MCA-Malawi II).
2. Subject to the terms and conditions of the Compact, related agreements and the availability of funds, the Government intends to use a portion of the funds for the Consultant’s Services for Accelerated Growth Corridors Stakeholder Engagement Contract, a form of which is attached to this Request for Offers (“RFO”) from Section VI.
The Compact consists of three (3) projects:
a) The Accelerated Growth Corridors (“AGC”) Project aims to reduce the barriers between farm and market by improving road conditions, encouraging a more transparent and competitive business environment for transporters, and addressing first mile transportation challenges for smallholder farmers. The project will support policy and institutional reforms to enable better road planning and maintenance of AGCs and associated infrastructure, as well as safer conditions for women to move and conduct economic activity along the corridors.
b) The Increased Land Productivity Project (the “Land Project”): will support improved land services, better functioning land markets, and increased investment in land through revenue-oriented investments to increase adequate funding of land institutions at national and city levels and support institutional change in the land sector. Revenue work at both levels equally focuses on the broader role of well-functioning property tax systems in incentivizing productive use of land.
c) The American Catalyst Facility for Development (“ACFD”) Project: is to facilitate United States International Development Finance Corporation (“DFC”) investment in Malawi in an effort to catalyze increased private investment consistent with compact objectives and increase the scale and impact of the compact.
3. MCC requires that all beneficiaries of MCC Funding, including the MCA Entity and any applicants, Offerors, Suppliers, Contractors, Subcontractors, Consultants, and Sub-Consultants under any MCC-funded contracts, observe the highest standards of ethics during the procurement and execution of such contracts. MCC’s Policy on Preventing, Detecting and Remediating Fraud and Corruption in MCC Operations (“MCC’s AFC Policy”) is applicable to all procurements and contracts involving MCC Funding and can be found on the MCC website at: https://www.mcc.gov/resources/doc/policy-fraud-and-corruption.
4. MCA-Malawi II now invites Offers from legally constituted consulting firms and other organizations to provide Consultancy services for Accelerated Growth Corridors Stakeholder Engagement (“Offers”). More details on these services are provided in the Terms of Reference in Section V of the RFO.
5. This RFO is open to all eligible entities (“Consultants”) who wish to respond. Subject to restrictions noted in the RFO, consultants may associate with other consultants to enhance their capacity to successfully carry out the assignment.
6. One or more Consultants will be selected under the Quality and Cost-Based Selection (“QCBS”) method, an evaluation procedure that is described in sections of the RFO in accordance with the “AE Procurement Policy & Guidelines” provided on the MCC website (www.mcc.gov/ppg). The selection process, as described, will include a review and verification of qualifications and past performance, including a reference check, prior to the contract award.
7. A complete set of Request for Offers (RFO) documents, including any clarifications, notices, and/or addenda, can be obtained by interested and eligible consultants. To access the documents, Interested Consultants have two options:
- Dropbox: Directly access the RFO documents using the following link: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/5k1ctxjvbxd2pzw6j9buc/ALpxbAiEH6eKEz2Ctp4BF0w?rlkey=s6qrzny78tcb4cvzcs19nyf8s&st=cblyrgie&dl=0
- MCA- Malawi I| (also MMD) website:
Alternatively, visit website at https://www.mmd-malawi.org to obtain link to the RFO documents.
Consultants interested in submitting Offers should register their interest by completing the registration form available at the following ink: https://forms.office.com/e/JusBdbpvWh.
By registering through this form, consultants ensure they will receive updates and information regarding the Accelerated Growth Corridors Stakeholder Engagement RFO.
If you encounter any issues or require further assistance, you may contact the Procurement Agent at PAMalawi@charleskendall.com or MCA-Malawi II Procurement Director, Andy Koloko, at andy.koloko@mca-malawi2.gov.mw.
8. Please note that a Pre-Offer Conference will be held as described in the Data Sheet (“DS”), Section Il of the RFO. Attendance at the Pre-Offer Conference is not mandatory but is strongly advised for all interested Consultants or their representatives.
9. The deadline for submission of Offers is 3:00 PM, local time on 13th January 2025.
10. Please note that only electronic Offers shall be accepted in the manner specified in the DS ITC 17. Late Offers will not be accepted under any circumstances.
11. Contact Information:
Attn: | The Procurement Agent – MCA- Malawi II |
E-mail: | PAMalawi@charleskendall.com and cc: andy.koloko@mca-malawi2.gov.mw |