Consultancy to Develop a Five-Year Strategic Plan (2026-2030) for COMESA Court of Justice

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The COMESA Court of Justice (CCJ) has set aside funds in its budget towards the cost of developing a Five-Year Strategic Plan (2026-2030). The CCJ now invites applications from eligible individuals from the COMESA Region for the provision of consultancy services for developing the Strategic Plan (2026-2030).

The overall objective of this consultancy is to develop a five-year Strategic Plan (2026-2030) to ensure that the Court effectively and efficiently fulfills its mandated objectives. The scope and focus of the assignment for the Consultant will include:

  1. Review the 2021-2025 MTSP;
  2. Review the vision, mission statement, values and goals of the Court based on the Court’s mandate and objectives;
  3. Undertake a situational analysis of the Court’s operations to date, taking into account internal and external factors that may impact the Court;
  4. Undertake stakeholder mapping and provide an analysis on the identified stakeholders and the methods the Court should undertake to engage stakeholders;
  5. Through a consultative process and the application of an appropriate tool of analysis, review the focus areas, thrust areas, mid-term priorities, strategic interventions and key result areas for the Court;
  6. Review the institutional capacity, organisational structure, financial and administrative systems against the Court’s mandated and identified strategic objectives and the identified priorities, strategic interventions, and key result areas; and make recommendations;
  7. Develop a Results and Resources Framework for the 2026 – 2030 plan period;
  8. Hold stakeholder workshops to validate the revised Strategic Plan;
  9. Propose monitoring and reporting strategies and mechanisms to ensure the effective implementation of the Strategic Plan; and
  10. Finalise the 2026-2030 Strategic Plan and submit the draft Strategic Plan to the Administrative Meeting of the Court and the Committee on Legal Affairs.

Proposals must be sent electronically by Monday, 21 October 2024. Late proposals will be rejected.

Click here for the TOR for Consultancy Service
