Consultancy to Conduct Baseline Study in Malawi, Uganda and Ethiopia

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Expression of Interest:

Consultancy to Conduct Baseline Study in Malawi, Uganda and Ethiopia

Link Community Development / Link Education (Link)

Link is a family of organisations working in Malawi, Uganda, Rwanda, and Ethiopia. We work with national Governments to improve access and quality of education. We work with schools, governments and educators to innovate and adopt low-cost solutions that improves children’s life-long-learning with a focus on literacy, numeracy, and inclusion for the most marginalized.

Through its recent research-based project on “The Scaling-up innovative Gender, Inclusion and Safeguarding Approaches: Evidence from Malawi, Uganda and Ethiopia” 2024-2027 being supported by the Global Partnership for Education, Knowledge and Innovation Exchange, a joint endeavour with the International Development Research Centre, Canada, Link seeks to mobilise evidence across Ethiopia, Malawi and Uganda on how gender equality and inclusion (GEI) scale-up happens including what incentivises or impedes it, contributing to existing international evidence and practice of scale-up of education projects globally. The general objective of the project is to contribute to the understanding and improvement of scale-up practices of GEl-focused education innovations at local, regional, and international levels.

We therefore seek to recruit a highly experienced individual or institution (as consultant) to conduct baseline for this research project in Malawi, Uganda and Ethiopia between July-Oct 2024. If interested, please download full Terms of Reference (ToRs) at

Completed proposals should be emailed to

Please submit 2 separate emails: “Technical Proposal from… (name)” and “Financial Proposals from ….(name)” respectively and indicate in the email title line. For any further enquires please contact, and indicate “Baseline Enquiry” as part of the email title. All enquiries should be received by 26th June 2024, responses will be published on our website by 28th June 2024. Closing date for receiving bid submissions is 5th July 2024 at 8am CAT.
