Consultancy Opportunity – Development of a National Strategy for Newcastle Disease

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Consultancy Opportunity: Development of a National Strategy for Newcastle Disease (Newcastle Disease control program) for the Ministry of Agriculture (Department of Animal and Livestock Development)

Malawi’s small-scale poultry sector, consisting mainly of rural smallholder farmers, is vital to the country’s economy and food security. However, infectious diseases, particularly Newcastle Disease (ND), threaten the sector, causing significant economic losses and affecting nutrition and livelihoods of rural communities. To address this, Inter Aide, in partnership with the Department of Animal Health and Livestock Development (DAHLD) of the Ministry of Agriculture, initiated a project to strengthen ND control efforts by enhancing vaccine production and improving access to vaccination services for smallholder poultry farmers. A key part of this project aims also at strengthening the governance framework for avian disease control, particularly ND, thereby enabling the DAHLD to formulate a comprehensive national ND control strategy.

The DAHLD, in collaboration with Inter Aide, is therefore seeking the expertise of a qualified and experienced consultant to develop a national strategy for the control of ND in Malawi. Detailed information is provided in the Terms of Reference document. Interested bidders should contact the project management team at to express their interest and to receive the Terms of Reference.

Eligible bidders who meet all the above requirements are requested to submit their application in accordance to the following. Where eligible, this includes a consultancy registered under the laws of Malawi.

  1. Submit both technical and financial proposals. The financial proposal should be expressed in Malawi Kwacha.
  2. The technical proposal should include the methodological approach on how the consultant or the team of consultants plans to carry out the work.
  3. Provide a timeline /work plan for carrying out the work in accordance with the Terms of Reference.
  4. Provide evidence of previous similar work.
  5. Submit their final applications by 18/11/2024, 04:30 pm.

DAHLD and Inter Aide encourage applications from all qualified individuals, including women and minority groups.
