Consultancy (Expression of Interest) to Carry Out Project Baseline Survey

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Consultancy (Expression of Interest) to carry out project baseline survey

1.0 Introduction
Norwegian Church Aid (NCA) is an International Non-Governmental Organization working in over 30 countries around the world. It is a member of the worldwide ACT-Alliance, comprised of 140 churches and church-related organizations cooperating on humanitarian assistance, advocacy and development. Norwegian Church Aid has been working in Malawi since 2002 and in 2021, NCA joined forces with DCA and are operating as a joint country programme (JCP) in Malawi with Strategic Priorities for the period 2021-2024 being, Gender based violence (GBV), Climate Smart Economic empowerment (CSEE) and Fighting inequality (Fl).

The NCA-DCA joint country program, with financial support from the Royal Norwegian Embassy (RNE) is implementing a project on Sexual and Reproductive Health Rights named, “A faith Based Approach to Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights in Malawi”. This is a three-year project which is being implemented in Machinga, Chikwawa and Nsanje districts.

2.0 Overall goal of the project
The project goal is “Faith and traditional leaders support adolescent girls and boys to prevent teenage pregnancies and early marriages”

2.1 Strategic Objectives and project outputs
Increased levels of action by faith and community leaders to strengthen Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SHR), with the aim to reduce teenage pregnancies in Malawi.

  1. Faith and traditional leaders’ opinions, attitudes and practices towards prevention of teenage pregnancies and early marriages are transformed.
  2. Faith and traditional leaders’ role as main gate keepers in reducing teenage pregnancies and family size in targeted areas is strengthened.
  3. Increased implementation and adoption of improved laws and policies on teenage pregnancies and child marriage by faith and community members specific Objectives

3.0 The purpose of the evaluation/ assignment
Therefore NCA-DCA is seeking services from qualified and experienced consultants to carry out the baseline survey assignment. The key objective of the baseline is to establish project baseline values under which the project performance and impact will be measured on.

4.0 Required Expertise and Qualifications
The consultants must be suitably qualified teams of individuals or consulting firm with the following qualifications.

  • The lead consultant should have an advanced degree in at least any of the following fields, Public Health, Development studies, Social Sciences or any other relevant field.
  • Vast Knowledge in Sexual Reproductive Health Rights (SRHR) and GBV
  • 7 years professional experience in the subject area.
  • Demonstrable experience of carrying out similar assignments before.
  • Excellent written, verbal, and interpersonal communication skills.

Mode of application

Interested consultants who meet the requirements stated above should submit an expression of interest to obtain a complete Terms of Reference with subject line ‘Baseline Survey- A faith Based Approach to Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights in Malawi’- through the following email:

The closing date for receipt of complete proposals is 12.00hrs on Monday, 11th November, 2024. All late proposals shall be rejected
