Consultancy: Development of Fundraising/Business Development and Partnership Strategy

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Development of Fundraising/Business Development and Partnership strategy


WaterAid envisions a world where everyone, everywhere has sustainable and safe water, sanitation and hygiene. Our mission is to transform lives through sustainable and safe water, sanitation and hygiene. At WaterAid, we believe that without sustainable and safe water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH), no one can live a full and healthy life. These should be a part of daily life for everyone, everywhere – but they are not. This is why our vision is of a world where everyone has these three essentials. A world where…

  • No woman is forced to waste her time walking and queuing for hours to collect water.
  • No girl is excluded from a better future because her school doesn’t have working toilets that lock.
  • No community is held back by an endless cycle of sickness from broken and dirty water supplies and poor hygiene.
  • No one lives in fear that a changing climate will mean a thirsty tomorrow.
  • Everyone can live a more fulfilled, dignified and healthy life, with the opportunities that sustainable and safe WASH bring.

In Malawi, though the road to achieving universal access to WASH may seem challenging, WaterAid Malawi believes that achieving access to safe WASH services for all in Malawi is possible. Therefore, our Country Programme vision is of “a Malawi where all citizens enjoy their right to access improved, equitable, sustainable and safe WASH services”. This vision aligns with the 10-year WaterAid Global Strategy 2022-2032 which envisions a world where everyone, everywhere has sustainable and safe water, sanitation, and hygiene.

Malawi has developed a Country Programme Strategy (2023-2028) that details her contribution to the global strategy. The contribution will focus on two aims: 1. Modelling universal and sustainable water, sanitation, and hygiene access in Kasungu district to influence national level scale, and 2. Making access to sustainable, equitable and inclusive water, sanitation, and hygiene a norm in health service delivery in Malawi.


To support the delivery of the WaterAid Malawi (WAMA) Strategic Plan 2023-2028, WAMA requires a flow of diverse resources, with the understanding that resources go beyond money. This calls for fundraising and partnership strategy that explores various actors and outlines approaches to leverage on existing and new partnerships and recommend how to diversify the resource base for WAMA. This includes an outline of best practices for WAMA to build on.


Undertake and or update the landscape analysis in relation to internal and external funding, partnership and networking opportunities for WaterAid Malawi. This will include alignment of the CPs (Country Programme) Strategic Objectives and donors’ and private sector players’ priorities for the next 5 years.

  • Establish a clear overview of current and potential resource/funding opportunities for the organization.
  • Devise strategies for improving the grant management abilities of the CP for both commercial contracts and grants.
  • Strengthen partnerships and collaboration with like-minded local and international organizations to accelerate the achievement of the strategic goals.
  • Explore how the CP can work with the private sector.
  • Develop an operational plan to implement the strategy.


The consultant shall:

  • Review historic procedure of fund-raising efforts in Malawi, relevant documents and consult with Senior Management Team of WaterAid Malawi and regional office based in Pretoria South-Africa to better understand the vision, mission and focus areas of WaterAid’s future assistance to Malawi;
  • Review WAMA’s Strategic documents, funding models and avenues for interventions and focus areas of the organisation future.
  • Review Country Donor Corporate Agreements with key Donors such as USAID, FCDO, EU, GIZ, Norad, African Development Bank, World Bank, Global Affairs Canada, China Aid, JICA among others; identify how WASH is positioned in their priorities and their funding trends in the last 5 years and identify ways WA can influence their funding priorities.
  • Map and explore short and long-term financing partnerships and collaboration/implementation partnerships with at least 2 key WASH sector donors and partners respectively for each of the CP Strategic Aims
  • Review the budgetary framework to better understand the CP funding needs and gaps for each of the CP Strategy Aims to inform CP fund-raising efforts;
  • Develop approaches to improve cost recovery on restricted grants and maximise use of unrestricted funds on strategic programme development to leverage restricted funding growth.
  • Identify staff capacity needs and gaps in fundraising and partnership development and recommend ways of building staff capacities to implement the strategy.
  • Identify or propose key suppliers and partners that contribute to the implementation of the strategy
  • Identify and proposing areas of synergy with private sector organizations.
  • Develop an operational plan to implement the strategy.


  • The consultant shall work closely with the heads of business development and partnership and programs and policy
  • The work shall mostly be conducted in the WaterAid Lilongwe office, with opportunities to visit relevant field offices and District Councils and Government Ministries, Departments and Agencies as well as development partners. The Consultant will work with the regional office
  • Conduct a rapid assessment of current relevant documents; these may include the Global Strategy 2022-2032, the Malawi Country Strategy (2023-2028), The Malawi Country Resource Plan
  • Conduct an analysis and assessment of the existing WaterAid funding situation and opportunities for the strategy period.
  • The Consultant, together with the Head of Business Development and Partnerships will engage in the regional WA Fundraising Community of Practice team and attend related meetings within the consultancy period.
  • The Consultant will also lead on engaging with key donors, government stakeholders, current and potential partner organizations and private sector.


  • Internal: The first line of contact is the Head of Business Development and Partnerships. The head will provide a link for the consultant to interact with Senior Management Team and senior program staff at the CP level, Regional Office, WA International and where necessary.
  • Work closely with WA International staff in International Program Development, in particular the donor relationship leads and Partnerships team and Fundraising Community of Practice.
  • External: Interacts with all types of partners and donors locally, regionally and internationally, fundraising consultants and others as required.


  • A detailed inception report and work plan for undertaking the assignment
  • A comprehensive draft Business Development and Partnership Strategy which will include a detailed fund-raising work-flow processes and mechanisms; a timebound action plan and an overview of the future opportunities and challenges including resource and capacity requirement to fundraising optimally.
  • An annex that details out potential donors and partners for WaterAid with their main interest areas for funding and partnership respectively; funding windows with size; and partnership selection (grant awarding) practice.
  • An action plan (in annex) that outlines clear timelines for the actions proposed – both medium and long term. The action plan should suggest how to enhance organizational capacity and a plan for building the capacity of key staff in mobilizing and leveraging resources as well as developing and maintaining strategic partnerships with resource partners.


6.1 Key competencies and Skills

  • Fundraising and resource mobilization skills, good at negotiation in a multicultural environment
  • Thoroughness, attention to detail and strong analytical skills
  • Excellent writing and communication skills
  • Demonstrable numerical and budgetary skills, including preparing fundraising budgets and proficient use of Excel and spreadsheets
  • Proven track record of writing high quality and funded concepts, proposals, and templates that meet donor requirements
  • Proven experience in WASH financing and fundraising for integrated programmes covering intersectionality between WASH and related sectors such as Health, Education and emerging issues including climate change
  • Energetic, proactive and capable of working independently as well as being an active member of a team.
  • Capacity Building skills
  • Adhere to WA values, which are:
    1. Respect We treat everyone with dignity and respect, and champion the rights and contribution of all to achieve a fairer world.
    2. Accountability: We are accountable to those we work with and to those who support us.
    3. Courage: We are bold and inspiring in our actions and words, and uncompromising in our determination to pursue our mission.
    4. Collaboration: We work with others to maximise our impact, embracing diversity and difference in the pursuit of common goals.
    5. Innovation: We are creative and agile, always learning, and prepared to take risks to accelerate change.
    6. Integrity: We act with honesty and conviction, and our actions are consistent with openness, equality and human rights
  • Sign the Code of Conduct and safeguarding to commit their compliance to the same.

6.2 Experience:

  • At least five years’ experience in fundraising in at least one of the areas of: public sector partnerships, major donors, trusts/foundations or corporate fundraising
  • At least three years’ fundraising experience in an international setting, preferably with an INGO (International Non-Governmental Organizations) and with experience in Africa.
  • Proven track record of generating significant income preferably in the context of an international organisation
  • Experience and expertise in developing and maintaining good relationships with institutional donors, high net worth individuals or corporations.

6.3 Qualifications:

  • A master’s degree in International Marketing, Business Administration, Economics, Marketing, Social Sciences, Communication, or related fields.


The assignment is expected to be completed in no more than two months upon signing of contract.

8.0 Submission procedure:

Interested consultants that wish to express interest in undertaking the prescribed work are to email and/or send hard copies of the following:

  • Technical Proposal not exceeding 15 pages (sealed in an envelope clearly marked “Technical Proposal for the Fundraising and Partnership consultancy”) that will include:
  • Interpretation of the TORs (Terms of Reference) understanding and interpretation of the TOR
  • Methodology to be used in undertaking the assignment
  • Time and activity schedule
  • Organizational and Personnel Capacity Statement
  • Relevant experience related to the assignment
  • Curriculum Vitae

The Technical proposal will be evaluated based on the criteria below.

  1. Specific Experience of the Firm/Team: 20
  2. Methodology and Work Plan: 40
  3. Relevant experience and qualification of key experts: 30
  4. Participatory methodology for knowledge transfer: 10


  • A Proposal shall be rejected at this stage if it does not respond to important aspects of the TOR or if it fails to achieve the minimum technical score of 70% after composite score from all evaluators. The minimum technical score required to pass is 70%. Only consultants meeting minimum technical score will have their financial proposals evaluated.
  • Financial proposal not exceeding 2 pages (Sealed in a separate envelope clearly marked “Financial Proposal for the Fundraising consultancy”)
  • Consultant’s daily rates in Malawi Kwacha
  • Any other related costs

The two envelops will then be sealed in a third one clearly marked: “Proposal for the Fundraising and Partnerships consultancy for WA”

Send the specified documents above to:

Internal Procurement Committee,
WaterAid Malawi
P. O. Box 360
Lilongwe 3

9.0 Deadline:

All proposals are expected to be submitted Wednesday 31st July 2024 at 13:00hrs local time to the address above.

10.0 Conditions:

  • WA reserves the right to accept any proposals or reject all proposals.
  • Technical review will precede the financial review
  • All forms of canvassing will lead to automatic cancellation of the proposal in question
  • Only shortlisted consultants shall be contacted
