Call for Submission of Proposals to Develop the Climate Change Act

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The Government of Malawi recognizes the urgent need to address the challenges posed by climate change and its impacts on the country’s environment, economy, and society. In line with this commitment, the government intends to develop a comprehensive Climate Change Bill to provide a legal framework for effective climate change mitigation, adaptation, and resilience-building measures. The Bill will outline the roles, responsibilities, institutional arrangements, financial mechanisms and strategies of various stakeholders in addressing climate change issues in Malawi.

The Bill should incorporate international best practices, reflect the unique environmental and socio-economic context of Malawi, and promote sustainable development while addressing the challenges posed by climate change. The Bill should be aligned with the country’s existing policies and legal frameworks, institutional framework including the National Climate Change Policy and relevant international agreements. The Ministry of Natural Resources and Climate Change through Environmental Affairs Department intends to recruit an individual consultant to develop a comprehensive Climate Change Bill to provide a legal framework for management of climate change in Malawi.


The primary objective of this consultancy is to draft a comprehensive Climate Change Bill for Malawi.


The consultant will be responsible for the following tasks:

  1. Review of Existing Policies and Legal Frameworks
    1. Conduct a thorough review of existing international treaties and agreements relating to climate change, the international and domestic financing mechanisms, national policies, strategies, and legal frameworks related to climate change, environmental conservation, sustainable development, and natural resource management;
    2. Review the current institutional framework relating to climate change. Identify gaps, overlaps, and inconsistencies in the current legal and institutional frameworks that need to be addressed in the Climate Change Bill; and
    3. Identify the gaps, challenges and opportunities posed by the current institutional framework and make legislative proposals to resolve the current gaps and challenges.
  2. Stakeholder Consultations:
    1. Conduct stakeholder mapping in liaison with Environmental Affairs Department;
    2. Engage with relevant stakeholders including: relevant parliamentary committees, government ministries, departments, and agencies, as well as civil society organizations, private sector entities, youth, national women’s networks, traditional authorities and academia to gather inputs and perspectives on the draft Bill; and
    3. Conduct consultations and workshops to solicit feedback and insights from key stakeholders at national, regional, and local levels.
  3. Drafting of the Climate Change Bill:
    1. Prepare a comprehensive draft Climate Change Bill that includes clear objectives, guiding principles, institutional arrangements, and mechanism for climate change governance and finance mechanism;
    2. Include provisions for climate change mitigation, adaptation, and resilience-building measures, means of implementation, targets, strategies, and action plans;
    3. Outline/establish/define the roles, responsibilities, and coordination mechanisms of relevant government ministries, departments, agencies, and other stakeholders iv. Incorporate provisions for measurement, verification, monitoring, reporting, evaluation and learning of climate change initiatives by various government institutions and other stakeholders; and
    4. Ensure alignment with domestic and international obligations and commitments related to climate change, including but not limited to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and the Paris Agreement.
  4. Stakeholder Validation:
    1. Organize a stakeholder validation workshop to present the draft Climate Change Bill and gather feedback and recommendations from key stakeholders; and
    2. Revise the draft Bill based on stakeholder inputs.
  5. Finalization of the Climate Change Bill:
    1. Prepare the final version of the Climate Change Bill, incorporating revisions and recommendations from stakeholders; and
    2. Prepare a summary document with clear and concise explanatory notes to accompany the Bill, facilitating its understanding.


The Firm or team of consultants should possess the following qualifications and experience:

  1. A Master’s Degree in Law. Those with a master’s degree in environmental and natural resources law or policy will have an added advantage;
  2. Extensive experience in drafting legislation;
  3. Extensive knowledge and understanding of climate change policies, legal frameworks, and international agreements;
  4. Proven experience in drafting legislation or policies related to climate change or environmental and natural resources issues and other related fields;
  5. Familiarity with the socio-economic and environmental context of Malawi; vi. Strong research, analytical, and drafting skills;
  6. Excellent communication and facilitation skills;
  7. Prior experience in conducting stakeholder consultations and workshops; and ix. Knowledge of international best practices in climate change governance and legislation.


Applicants shall include the following in the submission:

  1. Complete Curriculum Vitae (CV) of applicant, including CVs for team members (where applicable) involved with the consultancy
  2. Full proposals of the consultancy detailing how the work will be carried out, consultations involved, schedule of activities aligned with duration of the assignment; detailed budget aligned with tasks/activities to be carried out during the consultancy; detailed description on methodology, and tools to be utilized during the assignment
  3. Applicants will be expected to submit 2 printed copies of the proposal and electronically via email to
  4. All submission related to this assignment should be made by 05:00 PM on Friday, 31st May 2024, to:
    The Director of Environmental Affairs
    Environmental Affairs Department
    Private Bag 394, Lingadzi House
    Off Convention Drive
    Lilongwe, MALAWI
  5. Interested Applicants should request for the full Terms of Reference (ToRs) for the consultancy from
  6. Failure to comply with the submission requirements will result in immediate disqualification following screening of the submission.
  7. Late submission will NOT be entertained.
