Call for Proposals to Provide External Audit Services

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1.0 Background

Plan Malawi SACCO, an affliate of Malawi Union of Savings & Credit Cooperatives Ltd (MUSCCO), is a member owned and democratically controlled financial cooperative society that aims at providing quality and affordable financial services to its members,

Plan Malawi SACCO therefore invites proposals from reputable companies for provision of external audit services, period from January 2024 to December 2024.

2.0 Eligible firms and applications must meet the following criteria:

  1. Must be duly registered and accredited by the regulatory bodies;
  2. Must have at least 5 years’ experience of providing similar services in Malawi;
  3. Must provide references of at least three clients to whom they are providing similar services; and
  4. Must submit financial and technical proposals.

3.0 Further information
Additional information can be obtained through emailing to

4.0 Submission of bids:

Interested films should submit sealed and separate Technical and Financial Proposals clearly marked “Provision of Audit Services” by hand or courier not later than 14:00hrs on 13th December 2024 to the following address:

The SACCO Manager
Plan Malawi SACCO
Opposite Lilongwe Hotel Exit Gate (Area3)
P.O. Box 2053
Lilongwe, Malawi
