Academic Heads of Departments

Kamuzu University of Health Sciences


The Kamuzu University of Health Sciences (KUHeS) carried out a Functional  Review process, which resulted into a new Organisational Structure and Staff  Establishment. Following approval of the Staff Establishment and  Organisational Structure by Government, KUHeS conducted a placement  exercise for existing employees. However, a substantial number of key positions  are yet to be filled. The University would like to fill some of these vacant positions  as part of the Functional Review implementation process.

The University is therefore inviting applications from suitably qualified  candidates to fill the following positions:


School of Maternal, Neonatal and Reproductive Health 

  1. Head of Department – Midwifery
  2. Head of Department – Neonatal

iii. Head of Department – Reproductive Health

School of Nursing 

  1. Head of Department – Child Health Nursing
  2. Head of Department – Community Health Nursing
  3. Head of Department – Mental Health Nursing

vii. Head of Department – Nursing Education

School of Medicine and Oral Health 

viii. Head of Department – Anaesthesia and Intensive Care ix. Head of Department – Family Medicine

  1. Head of Department – Internal Medicine
  2. Head of Department – Obstetrics and Gynaecology

xii. Head of Department – Oral Health Sciences

xiii. Head of Department – Paediatric and Child Health

xiv. Head of Department – Pathology

  1. Head of Department – Psychiatry and Mental Health

xvi. Head of Department – Surgery

School of Global and Public Health 

xvii. Head of Department – Bioethics, Behavioural and Health Social Sciences xviii. Head of Department – Community and Environmental Health xix. Head of Department – Epidemiology and Biostatistics

  1. Head of Department – Health Systems and Policy

xxi. Head of Department – Nutrition and Dietetics

School of Life Sciences and Allied Health Professions 

xxii. Head of Department – Biomedical Sciences

xxiii. Head of Department – Foundation Sciences

xxiv. Head of Department – Medical Laboratory Sciences

xxv. Head of Department – Pharmacy

xxvi. Head of Department – Rehabilitation Sciences

Head of Academic Department Position Details 

Grade : KU4

Responsible to : Executive Dean

Responsible for : Academic and Administrative Staff within the School Purpose of the Job 

To provide strategic academic and administrative leadership of the  Department and to engage with external organizations on behalf of the  Department

Key Duties and Responsibilities

∙ Leading in the development, implementation and monitoring of  departmental plans, strategies and budgets in the context of University and  School Strategic and Operational Plans;

∙ Leading in the development, implementation and review of academic  programs and curricula;

∙ Conducting research, teaching, consultancies and community outreach  activities;

∙ Monitoring, implementing and maintaining academic standards; ∙ Promoting excellence in teaching and learning, assessment and research; ∙ Promoting intra and inter-departmental collaboration within the University;

∙ Representing the interests and needs of the department in the University  through membership of the School Board(s) and other University groups and  committees;

∙ Allocating roles to staff in an equitable manner to ensure effective and  efficient performance of the teaching, research and service functions;

∙ Managing department’s space and physical assets in all Campuses;

∙ Establishing and maintaining partnership and links with government, the  public and private sectors, development partners and other stakeholders;

∙ Leading in development and implementation of resource mobilization  plans and strategies;

∙ Supporting staff in research, consultancy and outreach programmes for the  Department;

∙ Overseeing staff recruitment and promotion process;

∙ Monitoring efficient resource utilization in the Department; ∙ Preparing reports for the Department;

∙ Overseeing orientation and mentorship of academic staff; ∙ Initiating disciplinary process in accordance with relevant policies; ∙ Appraising academic and administrative staff in the department.

Minimum Education, Qualification and Experience 

∙ PhD or equivalent professional qualification in a relevant field;

∙ Senior Lecturer with two years’ experience at that level or Lecturer with 5  years’ work experience at lecturer level.

Desirable Qualities  

∙ Leadership: ability to direct, supervise and mentor others.

∙ Fiscal managementability to prepare and execute budgets as well as  controlling expenditure.

∙ Organizational skills: ability to set and implement systems and develop  operational procedures and policies.

∙ Effective communication: ability to present information in a professional  manner in various settings and mediums, including the media.

∙ Writing skills: ability to create, compose and edit written materials, including  minutes and reports.

∙ Interpersonal skills: ability to work effectively in a diverse community with  people from different backgrounds.

∙ Accountability: ability to instill a culture of honesty and integrity.


Interested individuals meeting the requirements above should submit their  applications including: certified copies of certificates; detailed CV including  names, emails and phone contacts of three (3) traceable professional referees  to:

The Registrar

Kamuzu University of Health Sciences

Private Bag 360


Blantyre 3 

Or via email to:

Applicants submitting via email must indicate the title of the post in the subject  line of the email. Applications should be submitted by close of business on  Friday, 30th September, 2024Those who previously submitted applications  internally are not required to re-apply. Only shortlisted candidates will be  acknowledged.

Note: The successful candidates will be requested to undergo a safeguarding  check before appointment and periodically during employment.

Download the advert from the link below:


To apply for this job please visit

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